
Showing posts from November, 2016


Assalamualaikum and hi koranggg.. Baca tajuk atas macam happy semacam kan? haha  Alhamdulillah, I dah konvo! Yeay!! My Diploma jurney ends very well. Alhamdulillah again for that. After 2 years and half struggling with all the AVA"s, lesson plans, micro teaching, presentations, guys  you just named it! A bunch of thanks to my beloved parents for supporting me in whatever I do. Mama and Abah, this konvo is actually for you two. *touching jap* huks  Of course, tak lupa gak untuk coursemates a.k.a teslians yang memang masuk air semua. haha Gaiss, We did it! And this is the best coursemates I have ever had. Seriously! Tipulah tak rindu mereka-mereka semua kan? 2 years and half memang totally well spent. My Diploma worth it! I am so happy for this! Now, masing-masing dah tak sehaluan. I mean, some ada yang sambung Degree, ada yang kerja and ada yang yang yok. hahaha okay kidding! To gather as 99 teslians tu lepas ni memang a bit impossible la sebab masing-masing bukan duduk satu ne


Assalamualaikum and hi!  안녕 First and foremost, I am really sorry for not updating my blog for a quite long time. Actually it is not that I'm lazy to do so but I got so many tasks to complete. Okay enough babbling, here you go! Today, I nak share dengan korang about my recent skincare products. Actually sebelum ni I dah share dekat blog about my skincare in my recent posts. Almost 3 years la jugak stick with that products. But, lepas tu gedik nak try skincare lain sebab my bestfriend tukar skincare jugak. Hahaha memang jenis senang terpengaruh betul lah kan? Haha I know. Then about 2 months before this my mama ada beli satu trial set skincare yang farmasi punya which is Sebamed. My mama cakap yang products ni non-chemical lepas tu ph value dia rendah so, rasa macam semangat nak try sebab kebetulan masa tu facial cleanser yang TTO Cosmoderm tu dah habis and tak berkesempatan lagi nak beli lain. Hahaha alasan je sebenarnya.  Sebamed trial set punya kira murah daripada beli